Rainbow Tribe is no longer in operation. Due to other committments I am no longer making rainbow clothing or other items to sell. Sorry to disappoint. If you want to know where to buy rainbow gear or where to buy rainbow fabric/ribbon/motifs etc, you can email me at dykes.with.tykes@hotmail.com

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Merry Christmas!

and Happy Birthday to me for last Saturday. :-) Thirty-five and I feel every year of it at the moment...so glad I am on leave from work for four weeks!

What a year! New babies (not in our house, but they are EVERYWHERE else), new products, new markets and new parenting challenges.

My baby can ride a bike! Ok, so you can't see the training wheels, but still...my baby can ride a bike! Gabrielle is going to be thoroughly spoiled this year. Santa is bringing her a big-girl bed and Mummy and Mumma are buying her everything else her heart desires. Well...not quite, but if you could see our Christmas tree you would certainly wonder what could we have possibly left out? Gabby has toilet-training pretty much down pat now and wees on the pot and big toilet like a trooper. Poos, well that is another issue. But you didn't come on here to read about Gabby's poos.

I am closing down the Ebay store as of the end of this year. I only get a couple of orders per month through Ebay and the rest come through here, so I figure why pay for a store on Ebay when Blogspot is free and more people come here anyway?

Also I apologise to those few customers who have been inconvenienced by Ebay using the incorrect email address for me lately and not being able to accept payments. Such a pain and is another reason I am letting it go.

The Old Bus Depot Markets have been going really well and I am selling out of things faster than I can make them. Especially the Rainbow Sock Monkeys! Another stall-holder liked them so much she copied them but rest assured that management put a stop to it. Copying another stallholders products is a no-no, so I thank them for backing me up.

I have just signed up to go to Sydney Mardi Gras Fair Day again next year. We had a great time this year and hope to see many of you there again in 2009.

Here is Gabrielle looking super cute in a Christmas wreath headband.

A very happy and safe Festive Season to you and yours from us and ours here at Rainbow Tribe.


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