Rainbow Tribe is no longer in operation. Due to other committments I am no longer making rainbow clothing or other items to sell. Sorry to disappoint. If you want to know where to buy rainbow gear or where to buy rainbow fabric/ribbon/motifs etc, you can email me at dykes.with.tykes@hotmail.com

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

The Last Post

Ok, so anyone who has been checking this site this year will have already come to the conclusion that either I am being very slack at posting and it is business as usual or that I have not had enough time to devote to Rainbow Tribe as I had intended and have let it fall by the wayside. Sadly the latter is true. I work full time and my heart just hasn't been in keeping up all the sewing and marketing needed to keep Rainbow Tribe going.

So for now I say goodbye. Thank you to everyone for your support and patronage of Rainbow Tribe. I have had a great time over the past two years creating some great rainbow products.

You can still purchase some Rainbow Tribe designs on t-shirts etc from Cafe Press. They have good quality products, are reasonably priced, and a lot more reliable than me.

I had my last market here in Canberra at the SpringOUT Festival Fairday on 31 October and sold everything, so I have no stock left. It was fitting that I finish there as that is where I launched.

We also have a new project underway at the moment that is taking up our time, head-space and money - we are currently trying for baby #2. When there is news, it will be announced on Gabrielle's website.

If you would like details on how to get rainbow fabric, ribbons, motifs, blank t-shirts etc (within Australia), you can email me on dykes.with.tykes@hotmail.com

So for now this is it from me. All the best to you and yours from me and mine.


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